Ireland’s Writers and Poets, A Literary Landscape

Posted: 30 November -0001

As a nation, we have produced four Nobel Laureates of literature and four winners of the Booker Prize. For a country of just under five million people, this is very impressive per capital. Here we have created a Storymap which illustrates some of our greatest literary giants and how our island’s beautiful landscape supported their creativity and inspired some of their wonderful writing. From historical, to more contemporary writers and poets, click through to learn more.

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{{ selectedRooms + ' ' + (selectedRooms > 1 ? 'rooms' : 'room') }}

{{ getTotalPeople() }} people

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{{ selectedRooms }}

room {{ roomIndex }}


{{ selectedAdults[roomIndex] }}

Children (2+)

{{ selectedChildren[roomIndex] }}


{{ selectedInfants[roomIndex] }}
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